Next Steps
With us everyone can progress and develop – step by step .
Why «next steps»?
1. Know God
How do I talk to God? How do I read the Bible? What happens when I invite Jesus into my life? These are things that you will learn in this course. It will also prepare you for water baptism.
2. Experience Freedom
In our small groups we learn how to live the biblical way of life. Besides this, new friendships are developed.
3. Discover Pupose
What are the gifts God has given me? Why does the church need me and vice versa? This is what you will experience in this course, that also offers a profile test and a trial day to serve in an area of interest during a service.
4. Make a difference
Why me? How can I have a positive influence in my surroundings? This course trains future Team and Small Group Leaders, and encourages you to trust God for greater things.
1. Know God
In our worship services you can get to know God better. We offer a course titled “Basics of the Faith”. In concluding one is encouraged to be baptized.
2. Experience Freedom
In our small groups we learn how to live the biblical way of life. Besides this, new friendships are developed.
3. Discover Pupose
God has created you as a unique being. It is therefore our desire that you get to know your gifting, and your personal profile better. The course “Discover Pupose” will be of help to you in this discovery.
4. Make a difference
This has to do with enabling you to make a real difference in the lives of others. The course “Make a Difference” prepares you to take up a Leadership role in our church.
Know God

Course “Know God”
In this course we look at the basic truths of the Bible together. After the course, you have the possibility to be baptized.

We baptize adults, and not children. Baptism is an outward expression of our inner decision to live our life with Jesus.
Experience Freedom

Small groups
The life of our church occurs for the most part in our small groups that are distributed in the region.
Our small Groups are a place of genuine friendships, sharing of experiences with one another and taking the next step forward together. No matter how old you are, what your interests are, in which phase of life you find yourself or where you live, you are sure to find a small group that will be suitable to your needs.
Discover my Purpose

Course “Discover my Purpose”
In the course “Discover my Purpose” you learn to better know and understand your personality, your gifting and your personal profile. The course contains the most important principles for serving in the church.

Course “Membership Acceptance”
As a Free church we are organized as an Association. In expression of your commited affiliation we encourage you to become a member.
In this course for “Membership Acceptance”, you will be introduced to the church, our Leadership team, our strategy and organisation.
At the end of the course, you will have the possibility to apply for membership in our Association.
Make a Difference

Course “Make a Difference”
Learn what it means to utilize your life to make a real difference. In this course you will learn the most important Leadership basics and principles.
Over a period of seven evenings, the most important basics of what makes a leader will be addressed from the perspective of the Bible. Various experienced leaders will contribute from their personal experiences. Irrespective of what you plan – leading a small group or taking on leadership responsibility in a team, this course will strengthen and help you develop your leadership skills.

Serving God practically is one of the greatest and most wonderful adventures in life!
In our Brochure “Move” we present to you some of the possibilities of serving God practically in our church. There is definitely an area where your personal competence and talents will surface to help you make a difference in the lives of others.